Assalamualaikum wbt.
Hello hello semua.

Ehem *cough*
Spider webs and dusts are everywhere in my blog. haha
It takes a loooooooooooooooooooooooong period for me to update my blog and share a new entry.
Such a busy life I had and its the most challenging phase of my life, so far.
I couldn't think of any kind for me to face in future. pheww!
Less than 6 months before I finish my study. 
Tak sabar tak sabar.

Only Allah knows (better).

Oh by the way, today is the 2nd of Jan. Cepat betul masa berlalu meninggalkan kita.
Umur kita semakin bertambah. All those wrinkles getting obvious on our faces :(

I should or must be more matured enough kan?

Humphhh.What's more to write?
Currently, still feel quite awkward to write it here (after quite sometime) but....

Okey lah.
Just want to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!
Have a blast and bless day ahead, InsyaAllah.

My new year's resolution?

Nah. Here are my resolutions.
It may sound simple but yet, meaningful for my self.

1. Become a better man, a better son to my parent, a better brother to sisters, a better student to my guru, a better friend.
2. Become a better Muslim.

Basically, those are my daily resolutions and I will stick to them.

Till here. Thank you.

: )